Something that I thought might be good to use in my work were the little pots that you pump the ketchup into, in places like MacDonald's. They look quite simple, but when you deconstruct them you see that how they have been folded is quite interesting. Also you can stack them and slightly change each one to create different forms.
I have kept a MacDonald's Big Mac for weeks now, to draw and take photos of, and I am amazed at how it has managed to keep. The amount of chemicals the food is pumped with is quite apparent. When the food is cold and you actually look at the 'meat' properly, it makes your stomach curl. There are a lot of layers in the Big Mac which makes it good to draw. However there aren't many different colours to draw as there is a huge lack of salad.
I have also tried drawing some weighing scales and i might start looking into obesity more. I'm enjoying this idea at the moment and it is easy to bring more objects into draw as they are very easily accessible and cheap.
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